This story is over 5 years old.


The Newest Hobby for Sexist Bros Is Shooting Food at Models' Butts

Pizza, gummy bears, hot dogs, doughnuts: Shad has shot all of them out of his air-powered cannon at the perky butts of various young women. And he is very, very proud of that fact.

Oh, America.

Is this the end? Have we finally hit rock bottom? Are the barbarians truly at the gates?

The answer may very well be yes. And all it took was one young man named Shad (what else?). He works out of LA (where else?), and what he does is shoot girls in the ass with an air-powered T-shirt cannon loaded with food.

Pizza, gummy bears, hot dogs, doughnuts: Shad has shot all of them out of his air-powered cannon at the perky butts of various young women. And he is very, very proud of that fact.


Shad's company, My Rules Media, seems to do little, if anything else, besides posting these short videos of food being propelled out of the cannon and hitting women's butts, all at "5,000 frames per second!"

Their pizza-meets-butt video? Almost half a million views on YouTube. The Fourth of July edition video entitled "Hot Girl Shot In The Butt With Hot Dogs"? Almost a million views.

READ: The Pizza Condom Designer Thinks Her Creation Is Absolutely Disgusting

Gummy bears? Nearly five million views.

A graduate student in sociology somewhere totally just got an idea for a dissertation analyzing this: Why would gummy bears impacting a butt be so much more appealing to YouTube viewers than other food groups, like doughnuts or pizza? Studies will most definitely ensue.

The videos are being shot on a Phantom Flex High-Speed Digital Camera—a fact that did not escape the notice of one George_BrahCep, who had this to say in the comment section of one recent video: "$50,000 camera and this is what you come up with?"

Yes. Please, America—please don't let this be the new "unboxing."

Actually, My Rules Media appears to have tried to capitalize on the unboxing trend with "Bluetooth Speaker Unboxing." We're sorry to report that that is a video of a Bluetooth speaker being propelled out of a cannon at—you guessed it—a girl's butt. Why a fucking Bluetooth speaker is the one exception to the food rule is even less understandable.


Lest you think all the people viewing My Rules' videos are believers, think again. In fact, a debate seems to be cropping up in the comments sections to these YouTube postings.

Seth Keenan, on the one hand, says, "Humanity is coming to an end."

Richie Reeves, on the other hand, takes has what is probably, unfortunately, the more typical reaction: "Never wanted to be a gummy bear till now."

Mark M sees both sides: "This is a very sexist video objectifying women for their bodies. I can't believe we live in a society where this sort of attitude towards women is acceptable. Please upload more of these videos."

Aminath Rajan seems to see both sides as well and just has a question: "This isn't a complaint, but is this channel just gonna be all videos shooting stuff at asses?"

Given the things that are being done and said to women on other sites on the internet, maybe this is the least of our worries. But perhaps these videos say something about us as a civilization in 2015. And it isn't pretty.

As Joel Olofsson points out in his comment to a recent My Rules video featuring discharged doughnuts: "This might be the most American thing that's ever happened."

We sadly agree.