This story is over 5 years old.


A Love Connection Mix-Tape

It's got a bunch of old stuff on it.

When we featured Love Connection on Noisey last year, they blew us away with their strange mixture of canniness, craziness, and overall good vibes. Here's a playlist they made ahead of their set at tomorrow's Rdio party in Melbourne. You should also check out their new record Euphoria which just came out. (It's the one with the incredible cover photo).

VICE: Is there a theme for this playlist or is it just music that came to mind?
Michael Caterer: I suck at media tasks and so after it took me a week of trying to figure Rdio out because I have no fingers and no eyes to initiate such a task. Once growing my fingers and eyes back I then decided I'd see what the site would allow me to find according to some classics and obscurities. In the end we whittled it down to more tangible listening but I don't listen to much new music anyway so that's where the aged vibe comes from.


Whenever I hear Astral Weeks, it makes me wonder how Van went from good-looking folkster to mean old fat guy so quickly. How do you account for that?
I know Van was a follower of the spiritualist J. Krishnamurti and others for a time and was a task master on the inner workings of spiritual things. This kind of inner work can make you cranky if you meditate too long but in saying that he probably just spent most of his time getting high and eating shitty food like cocaine and therefore having mood swings.

Crosby Stills Nash and Young, who are on here too, are funny because they were constantly fucking each other over. Does that ever happen in Love Connection?
Is this in reference to our name, the cover of the new record, or CSNY separately?

Them as a band.
We fuck each other over all the time. That's what friends are for right?

You've spent some time teaching young kids. What kind if music do you think they'll be making when they're your age? 
At rest/story time at school we get the rest rugs out and chill on the floor. After I’ve read them a chapter from Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree stories, we all just vague out silently to records like Dolphins into the future, Jurgen Muller's Science of the sea and other ambient records like Eno's Music For Airports. The kids call it “ocean music” (they’re 5 and 6 years old). I'm hoping they will all make "ocean music".

RSVP for our Rdio launches in Melbourne and Brisbane here. Follow Love Connection on Twitter.