Josh Barrie

  • Fishing Is One of the Most Deadly Jobs in the UK

    In the UK, dozens of fishermen die each year to land the fish we eat. The work remains the most dangerous peacetime occupation in the country. Yet the very real hazards of fishing are scarcely reported.

  • How to Avoid Getting Delhi Belly in India

    Some Westerners who visit India to find their inner selves end up doing just that while crouched over a toilet—but that's because they're eating the wrong food. India is awash in excellent dishes overflowing with both flavor and gut-soothing magic.

  • A Delhi Restaurant Ruined Kebabs for Me Forever

    India is a largely vegetarian country. But if you look hard enough in major cities like Delhi, you'll find meat palaces like Karim's—an indulgent, mutton heavy restaurant preserving Maghlai cuisine and serving diners by throwing their plates to them...

  • Chef Fergus Henderson Made Positivity Cool in the Kitchen

    Legendary chef Fergus Henderson didn't only change the landscape of food with St. John. He also inspired a whole new kitchen attitude—one of calmness, respect, and positivity, you shithead.

  • Bees Might Be Keeping Us Alive, But They're Also Completely Delicious

    We've been best mates with bees and their bounty for centuries. However, aside from the fact that they pretty much keep us all alive, there could be even more potential yet for the relationship with our cute, winged pals—eating them.

  • We Need to Re-Evaluate Our Stigma Towards Genetically Modified Meat

    To many of us, GM meat is Frankenstein food. But at some point, when the world runs out of produce, we might depend on it. We spoke to scientists and academics from Edinburgh university—birthplace of Dolly the sheep—who will discuss our GM future at...