celiac disease

  • France Is Slowly But Surely Warming Up to Gluten-Free Foods

    What is a France that doesn't cherish its baguettes, croissants, and pains au chocolat? Good question, and one that France is trying to figure out now with a growing population that wants to forgo gluten.

  • Wheat Isn't the Reason Why You Can't Stop Farting

    Gluten-free consumption is at an all time high in 2014, a sweeping health trend with widespread ignorance. But wheat isn't the likely culprit behind your uncontrollable flatulence after eating a bear claw or two.

  • Odd Bread

    Welcome back to Hot Links, our food column dedicated to showcasing the overlooked culinary wonders of YouTube. This is our most gluten-ous entry yet! Ha ha ha ha.

  • Odd Bread

    Welcome back to Hot Links, our food column dedicated to showcasing the overlooked culinary wonders of YouTube. This is our most gluten-ous entry yet! Ha ha ha ha.