evil twin

  • Infected Beers Can Be Delicious Mistakes

    It's flu season, and like any living creature, craft beers can get infections. Sometimes, the infection is out of your control and can make your beer taste like skunk and wet cardboard, or if you're lucky, green apples.

  • Mexico’s Craft Beer Scene Is Exploding

    Being a gypsy usually suggests that you’re nomadic. I, myself, am a gypsy brewer, traveling internationally in pursuit of making craft beers. I'm known as the Evil Twin.

  • A Tribute to Michael Jackson on the Other Michael Jackson's Birthday

    Today is the King of Pop's birthday, so it’s only fitting to pay tribute to the other Michael Jackson, the King of Beer (writers). In case you have no idea who we're talking about, he's the dude who influenced your base knowledge—or your local bar's...
