
  • Let's Celebrate the Repeal of Prohibition By Getting Wasted

    Remember Prohibition? Man, that was a whole big thing. Celebrate its repeal by reading about the history of moonshine, making a refreshing whiskey punch, or dabbling in mixology.

  • Girl Eats Food: Testicle Festival

    Our host Jo Fuertes-Knight heads to Serbia for the World Testicle Cooking Championship, a weekend-long celebration of testes, complete with music, moonshine, and lax food-safety standards.

  • Moonshine Runs Through the Veins of Prince Edward Island

    The culture of moonshine is strong in poor, rural Canadian areas where people are used to making everything from scratch, cherish a healthy disrespect for politics and the law, and have plenty of acreage to work in total obscurity.

  • We Brought Photography to Los Angeles Last Week

    This past Friday, a load of fashionable Angelenos showed up at the Well to look at each other and also a selection of images from our 2013 Photo Issue. A good time was had by all, as you can see.

  • War Gin

    Ugandans are the hardest drinking Africans in the motherland, both in terms of per capita consumption and the hooch they choose to chug. Waragi, or "war gin," is what they call the local moonshine, and it makes the harshest Appalachian rotgut taste...

  • Making Cocktails Out of Household Items

    Sipping drinks from beneath the sink.
