Steve Stacey

  • Wild Ginger Is the Designer Imposter of the Rhizome World

    In the final installment of our spring foraging series, we turn to wild ginger. It might smell and taste like the stuff you can find at any market, but this untamed rhizome isn't related to proper ginger at all.

  • The Best Ramps Will Blow Your Head Off

    We checked in with forager Steve Stacey for his thoughts on harvesting the lovely, potent, and much sought-after wild leek. Variously known as ramps, these short-lived alliums are basically the seasonal chef’s wet dream.

  • Fiddleheads Are the Beyoncé of Foraged Foods

    We’re kicking off our foraging series with the queen diva—the Beyoncé, if you will—of springtime foraging. The fiddlehead is a plant whose annoyingly short season is only made more finicky by its remote growing region and temperamental nature.
