
  • Does the UK's Fitness Community Contain Our Most Progressive Meat Eaters?

    UK website MuscleFood.com recently added zebra steaks to an already exotic roster of meats in its shop, with all 900 selling out just five hours after launch. They're not the first fitness website to sell protein that's not from a chicken, either...

  • When They Ate the Zoo, Nobody Wanted to Touch the Hippo

    Amid the bombardments, famine, and extreme state of emergency during the Siege of Paris in 1870, Parisians demanded haute cuisine. That Christmas, one of the city's greatest chefs, Alexandre Étienne Choron, cooked an elaborate banquet meal of...

  • When They Ate the Zoo, Nobody Wanted to Touch the Hippo

    Amid the bombardments, famine, and extreme state of emergency during the Siege of Paris in 1870, Parisians demanded haute cuisine. That Christmas, one of the city's greatest chefs, Alexandre Étienne Choron, cooked an elaborate banquet meal of animals...
