Dealer's Choice

  • Keep Your Tweezers to Yourself, Chef

    Tweezer food in fancy restaurants can get out of control. Microgreens, the main culprit behind this trend, can get a bad rap. Food dealer Ian Purkayastha reveals the six tiny greens you should care about before it's time to give up and order White...

  • High on Hot Chlorophyll

    Almost all of what's labelled wasabi is a cheap, pre-mixed concoction of green food coloring, horseradish, and Japanese hot mustard. Real wasabi, a.k.a wasabia japonica, is harder to get than high-quality heroin—but food dealer Ian Purkayastha...

  • Don't Massage My Meat

    Everything you know about Wagyu beef, the most expensive steak in the world, is probably false. Here's the real story behind the fancy cow that supposedly gets wasted on beer after a daily massage.

  • Your Lemons Can Suck It

    Lemons are overrated. Meet staghorn sumac, the wild shrub that tastes almost exactly like its citrus rival, with a fuzzy mouthfeel. Mmm.

  • Don't Wet Your Shrooms

    This week, our food expert Ian Purkayastha provides the dos and don'ts of handling mushrooms and reveals five of his favorite (legal) varieties. Apparently, the kitchen sink is the devil.

  • Not Your Mom's Placenta

    This week, our food expert Ian Purkayastha is dropping encyclopedic knowledge about the kind of placenta harvested straight from the briny bellies of trout and salmon mommies.
