This Is the Only Dessert Worth Making When It's Too Hot to Function


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This Is the Only Dessert Worth Making When It's Too Hot to Function

This is not the time of year to be straining yourself tempering chocolate or constructing a croquembouche. Desserts must be easy, fast, and chilled. Very chilled.

If the kiddie pools and harumphing commuters hadn't already alerted you to the fact, this week has been the hottest of the year so far in the UK, with temperatures reaching as high as 33.5 degrees Celsius on Tuesday.

And if there's one thing Britain is better at than complaining about the weather, it's going into a sweaty fringed meltdown when the much-discussed sun actually materialises. We just. Can't. Deal.

RECIPE: Strawberries with Macadamia Nuts and Whipped Cream

This is not the time of year, then, to be straining yourself by tempering chocolate or constructing a croquembouche. Desserts must be easy, fast, and chilled. Very chilled.

The Dinner Bell host Julia Ziegler-Haynes gets it. Her strawberries and cream recipe requires minimal effort, and also makes handy use of summer fruits. Simply chop your strawberries, cover with lemon juice, and add dollops of freshly whipped cream with a sprinkle of sea salt. Garnish with olive oil and macadamias, and you're done.

Good thing it's quick, too—lightning strikes are predicted for the weekend.