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Australia's Most Brutal Sadomasochist Turns Pain Into Art

Meet Jilf, the performance artist who creates work out of blood, pain and trauma.

In our latest episode of Violent Times VICE meets Jilf, a performance artist who challenges sexual violence with picturesque brutality. Her partners declare, “Today, I will suffer for your art,” before being clinically brutalised in a nihilistic ritual that she describes as “hard sadomasochism (S&M).”

Jilf gained notoriety when she performed a daring ritual that involved slicing off a layer of her partners shin with a potato peeler and consuming it in the company of loved ones. The balance of “excruciating pain and consensual trauma” are the foundations of her practice.

Jilf photographs these rituals of pain and exhibits them online, forcing anyone with the courage to look at her work, to reassess their conventional understanding of intimacy and love.

Psychologically, sex and violence share a number of neural circuits, hormones and neurotransmitters tied to arousal. Sadomasochism, our sexual urges to their most violent limits, blending the lines of pleasure and pain.

For JILF, the shocking nature of her rituals are more than just bloodlust. To truly unveil the boundaries of intimacy, JILF confronts you with the psychological elements; consent, pain, arousal, trauma and intimacy.

For more, follow Mahmood on Instagram