It Was Halloween in Chicago Last Night


This story is over 5 years old.


It Was Halloween in Chicago Last Night

With all this hullabaloo about Frankenstorms and such, there's a sense that Halloween has been put on the back burner for those on the East Coast. Zak Arctander showed us what went down in Chicago, where they didn't forget what day it was.

With all this hullabaloo about Frankenstorms and such, there's a sense that Halloween, one of the greatest holidays of the year, has been put on the back burner for those on the East Coast. Aside from the fact that I see no better place to celebrate the spookiest day of the year than a major metropolitan area plunged into complete blackness, there are certainly other places in the world that weren't flooded or burning, and they did their thing last night. Zak Arctander, a photographer friend of ours living in Chicago, sent us these images to remind us that shit still gets weird on All Hallow's Eve.
