The Great Avocado Robbery


This story is over 5 years old.


The Great Avocado Robbery

It has happened: we have reached peak avocado. The world is now in the midst of an avo shortage so dire that New Zealand farms are being ransacked for their crop.

It is finally upon us. The Evening Standard lifestyle pages were right all along: we have reached peak avocado.

All those green-slathered toast pics for the 'gram, the overflowing guacamole bowls, the Green Goddess smoothies that didn't cure your hangover, the avocado juggling troupe you started—they've added up. Thanks to this reckless approach to avocado usage, the world is now in the midst of an avo shortage so dire that New Zealand farms are being ransacked for their crop.

Police estimate that there have been 40 large-scale avocado thefts in the country since January, with the stolen fruit making its way onto the black market.

Good going, guys. Avocados don't grow on trees, y'know.

Illustration by Tom Delves.