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Introducing Indopop, a Series About Culture, Nostalgia, and All the Stuff You'll Never Forget

We explore the lasting influence of disco and Sunday morning cartoons in our latest series made with GO-JEK.
Old Indonesian magazines

It's no stretch to say that we're all still living through peak nostalgia. Whether its the endless stream of Hollywood reboots, the high school romance of films like Dilan 1990, or the re-emergence of kitschy one hit wonders like "Macarena" at hip South Jakarta bars, the '90s is having a serious moment in Indonesia right now.

In Indopop, our latest series made in partnership with GO-JEK, we wanted to figure out how all this nostalgia affects our modern culture. Did the fact that most of us grew up in a time of disco, Sunday morning anime, and reality TV shows about ghosts help shape our tastes going forward?

We think the answer to this question is "yes," and that the best way to understand the how and why is to go back to the beginning, when all this pop culture wasn't nostalgic, but when it was new. With that idea in mind, we're proud to introduce the first episode of Indopop, a warm, flashy, over-the-top trip back in time to when disco ruled the nightclubs (and airwaves) of Jakarta.