Margot Henderson’s 5-Ingredient Truffle Oil Spaghetti Will Cure Your Monday Blues


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Margot Henderson’s 5-Ingredient Truffle Oil Spaghetti Will Cure Your Monday Blues

All you’ll need is spaghetti, a savoy cabbage or other seasonal greens, truffle oil, and a “good hunk” of excellent Parmesan.

It's Monday. Just like that, the weekend is over in an all-too-quick blur of cheese puff-fueled Black Mirror binges.

We can't bring your weekend back—especially not that hazy period between Saturday evening's home-mixed negronis and the 2 AM Uber you took to the "totally vibe-y party house" your friend promised was worth leaving the bar for—but we can make Monday a little easier with this joyous Parmesan and truffle oil spaghetti dish from London super chef Margot Henderson.

RECIPE: Spaghetti with Cabbage and Truffle Oil

The method and ingredient list are simple. As they should be—finding a matching pair of clean socks this morning was more than enough struggle for one day.

All you'll need is spaghetti, a savoy cabbage or other seasonal greens, truffle oil, and a "good hunk" of excellent Parmesan. Cook your pasta until al dente and add in the blanched leaves. Mix with olive oil and serve with the freshly grated Parm and generous drizzles of truffle oil.

See? Mondays ain't so bad.