It’s Not a Proper Barbecue Until There’s Coleslaw on the Table
Photo by Farideh Sadeghin


This story is over 5 years old.


It’s Not a Proper Barbecue Until There’s Coleslaw on the Table

Because every outdoor eating event needs vegetables smothered in mayo. It’s just a fact of life.

Just as Kesha once proclaimed that "The party don't start 'til I walk in," it's not a proper barbecue until the heart-attack-in-a-tub, mayo-smothered veggies make an appearance on the table.

But forget the shop-bought stuff that makes you wade through white gunk before even one limp strip of carrot. Get with the programme and take a leaf out of Mississippi-born chef Brad McDonald's book (his actual book, Deep South), and treat your barbecue sides with the respect you give the stuff on the grill.

RECIPE: Creamy Coleslaw

Macerate shredded cabbage and carrot in salt to soften before chucking in mayonnaise, buttermilk, paprika, and black pepper.

Yep, it's actually that easy.