This story is over 5 years old.


A 'Suspicious' Fruitcake Package Caused a Bomb Scare in Seattle

Don't all fruitcakes look a little suspicious?
Fruitcake photo via Flickr user rayb777. Photo of Los Angeles's hazmat and bomb squad team by MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images.

On Tuesday morning, as many Seattleites were presumably returning home after the Christmas holiday, a suspicious-looking package at a local ferry dock prompted the halt of incoming boats and the evacuation of the entire terminal, Q13 FOX reports.

At around 10 AM, someone at Seattle’s Colman Dock noticed that there was a present under the decorative tree located in the lobby where passengers wait to board the ferries. Apparently the sight was unusual enough, even one day after Christmas, that state troopers were alerted, and the Seattle bomb squad was called in.

"The suspicious package was a wrapped present located underneath a Christmas tree in the terminal’s lobby," Trooper Kevin Fortino said in a statement. "The Christmas tree itself was a decoration, and there had not been any presents located under the tree during its time displayed. Furthermore, there was no address label on the box itself which was concerning for responding emergency personnel."

The gift prompted the troopers to evacuate the entire terminal and stop all incoming ferries from docking "out of an abundance of caution," according to State Patrol's statement. Upon further inspection, the K-9 team and bomb squad discovered that the wrapped present from an unknown secret Santa was not an explosive device, but rather the most reviled holiday confection known to mankind—a fruitcake.

According to Q13, the terminal was opened about 40 minutes later after the package was deemed "safe." Fortino says it's not clear why the fruitcake was left at the ferry terminal unaddressed, but due to the treat's taste, general unappetizing appearance, and ability to outlive most humans, it doesn't come as too much of a surprise why someone might want to get rid of it.

Still, it's not the most disgusting holiday bomb scare to happen this week.