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MUNCHIES Eats Iguana and Lionfish on Daily VICE

Watch our staff writer Alex Swerdloff discusses the wild evening he had at New York’s fabled Explorers Club on the latest Daily VICE.

Here at MUNCHIES, we're fired up about Daily VICE, the daily show bringing you the best content that VICE has to offer.

Today, our very own staff writer Alex Swerdloff discusses the evening he spent at New York's fabled Explorers Club for their 112th Annual Dinner, which showcased a wide range of wild animals that could potentially provide a sustainable food source.

READ MORE: I Ate Iguana and Venomous Lionfish with New York's Elite

The Upper East Side landmark used to be a hangout for the city's political and media elite, from Teddy Roosevelt and Walter Cronkite to legendary explorers like Peter Freuchen. Though much of the club's Indiana Jones luster has worn off, they were eager to show off their iguana and poisonous lionfish dishes, which our adventurous Alex was more than willing to consume.

Watch Alex talk about his wild evening at the elite Explorers Club below.


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