Fridays Are for Deep-Fried Cheese


This story is over 5 years old.


Fridays Are for Deep-Fried Cheese

To make this happy slide into Friday night a little more greasy, may we suggest something that is deep-fried, creamy, and French?

Hey, it's Friday. Congrats on making it through. Things looked a little touch and go there for awhile (insert Monday morning meme), but you're now just a few procrastinatory hours away from the weekend. A whole two days to fill exactly as you choose.

You earned it. And to make this happy slide into Friday night a little more greasy, may we suggest something that is deep-fried, creamy, and French?

RECIPE: Deep-Fried Camembert

Ladies and gentlemen, as the week draws to a close, deep-fried camembert is the only foodstuff worthy of your attention.

This recipe is from Melbourne chef Andrew McConnell and is almost as quick to make as it is to sink that first post-work pint. Simply coat your camembert chunks in an egg and cream mixture (yes, this is a snack that features the full trifecta of dairy products) and cover with breadcrumbs. Next, deep-fry your cheeses in canola oil until golden.

Thank God it's fry-day.