This story is over 5 years old.


University of Vermont Basketball Player Suspended for Re-Selling Textbooks

Only in the NCAA can anything with books be an impermissible benefit for student athletes.

Here's the perfect NCAA story:

Vermont Catamounts guard Dre Wills has been suspended eight games for reselling textbooks, the school announced Thursday. The university's athletic department said Willis, a junior, violated its student-athlete code and NCAA rules regarding his athletic scholarship by selling the books. In addition to the suspension, Wills must pay back an unspecified amount of money and perform community service.

Eight games! For re-selling his textbooks! You re-sold your textbooks when you were in college, right? Of course you did, everyone did! You would be an absolute moron not to because who the fuck is cracking open Understanding Risk Management after the semester ends?

The difference here, though, is Willis was essentially just borrowing the books for the semester. In theory, Willis got the books as part of his scholarship (some NCAA scholarships provide for the full cost of course-related books, others only a portion; it's not clear which category Willis falls under). NCAA scholarship athletes get a voucher for the books at the beginning of the semester, and are then required to return them to the bookstore, which Willis apparently didn't do, opting to sell them instead.

Still, leave it to the NCAA to have the words "books" next to "impermissible benefit."