This Is the Best Thing You Can Possibly Make with an Onion


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This Is the Best Thing You Can Possibly Make with an Onion

Don’t limit onions to bases for pasta sauce: appreciate the allium’s full potential by making bhajis. In other words, fry the hell out of it.

While red onions get starring roles alongside goat cheese and spring onions are cast as dainty salad decoration, white onions are all too often reduced (quite literally) to the supporting act in pasta sauce bases.

Poor white onion.

We say it's time to show the overlooked allium some lovin' by deep-frying the hell out of it and making bhajis.

RECIPE: Onion Bhajis

Simply coat thinly sliced white onion in a mixture of water, flour, and all the best spices—coriander, ginger, turmeric, and chilies—before forming your bhaji balls and dropping them into hot oil until golden.

You can also go next level and make a lime pickle with garlic, cumin, and fennel-y asafoetida powder for a tangy accompaniment to these deliciously greasy onion balls.

See white onion, we always knew you could be a star.