This story is over 5 years old.


This App Will Find You Someone to Eat Lunch With

Created by a teenager who experienced bullying, Sit With Us allows school kids to create lunch events and meet up with those who have no one to sit with.

Remember that fear on the first day of a new school that come lunchtime, you'd find yourself living out the American teen movie trope of walking through the cafeteria with a tray of food and no one to sit with? Cut to the scene of you picking at a limp ham sandwich, alone in a toilet cubicle.

But thanks to a new app, the dread of having no one to share your sandwiches with at lunch could soon become a thing of the past for school kids.


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Designed by a US teenager who experienced bullying at school, the Sit With Us app's aim is to ensure everyone has a lunch buddy. Users can create lunch events that others are able to join, and has a messaging function to organise meet-ups.

Sit With Us also allows users to become "Ambassadors," taking a stand against bullying in their school. The designer, Natalie Hampton, wrote in a statement on the website: "I believe that every school has upstanders like me, who are happy and willing to invite anyone to join the lunch table."

It's not the first time mobile technology has been used to try and tackle bullying. Last year, an app called Tootoot was launched in UK schools to make reporting incidents easier.

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Sit With Us has already begun trending on the Apple App Store and received positive feedback on social media, prompting Hampton to look to launch an Android version.

Here's hoping that Sit With Us keeps trending. No one likes a sad solo school dinner.