Put Turmeric in Your Potatoes, Not Your Latte


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Put Turmeric in Your Potatoes, Not Your Latte

The golden spice deserves better than bougie health drinks. Make this delicately spiced Bengalese potato sabsi instead.

It might be May but that doesn't mean we have to stop eating potatoes.

We're not suggesting you herald the warmer months with steaming bowls of dauphinoise or buttery mash (or totally go for it on the unseasonable eating front—you do you), but just know that there are ways to cook spuds that don't end in cheese-laden winter comfort fare.

RECIPE: Potato Sabsi

Ways like London chef Asma Khan's potato sabsi. This Bengalese dish gently fries boiled potatoes and peas with cumin seeds and chili. It's super fragrant and surprisingly light, considering its main ingredient is starch.

But the real springtime element in this curried potato dish comes courtesy of turmeric. The golden spice is stirred in with the potatoes to give everything a sunny yellow hue.

You might not have your summer glow yet, but these potatoes certainly do.