This story is over 5 years old.

Vice Blog


Do you have this too? The pile of un- and half-labeled songs at the bottom of your itunes? I burn through hard drives like an ennui-struck 18th-century nobleman kills horses, so my miscellaneous count is usually in the low thousands. One time I accidentally deleted my entire library and the recovered files were all named M0065124 and so on. Enmaddening. Anyways, I need your help. I've got no idea who did this one song and it's driving me nuts.


Alls I know is it's the fourth track on something and it kind of sounds to me like one of John Lennon's early fuckarounds on the mellotron. Then again, that could just be because it's surrounded by some other Beatles crap. Now that I listen to it again, I'm not even sure it's in English. IS that English?

Seriously though, this thing is killing me. I don't know what I've got that you would want, but if you recognize this we can cut a deal. Just make me an offer. Likewise, if you've got any guesses I'm all ears. Please help.