Amp Up Your Favorite Cereal by Transforming It Into Breakfast Popcorn


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Amp Up Your Favorite Cereal by Transforming It Into Breakfast Popcorn

Thank the genius minds over at Brooklyn’s Nitehawk Cinema for pretty much creating the concept of “breakfast snacking,” since that seems to be the spirit behind this popcorn.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch Popcorn

Photo by Sydney Kramer.

For those mornings when you're feeling peckish but weary of yet another plate of bacon and eggs, consider breakfast popcorn.

Cinnamon Toast Popcorn, to be exact.

RECIPE: Cinnamon Toast Popcorn

Forget Cracker Jacks, forget Chex Mix, forget granola. This is the crunchy breakfast mixture that all of the cool kids are eating nowadays. (Maybe. Sure! Why not?) You can thank the genius minds over at Brooklyn's Nitehawk Cinema for pretty much creating the concept of "breakfast snacking," since that seems to be the spirit behind this popcorn.

We recommend whipping up a batch and wasting your morning away, streaming your favorite 90s cartoons. Or cook some up in advance for those weekday mornings on-the-go when a boring bowl of cereal just won't cut it.

Also, it's perfect for those mornings when you just unfortunately have to have a sick day. Sorry, boss.