Carrot Tops Are the Secret to Better Pesto


This story is over 5 years old.


Carrot Tops Are the Secret to Better Pesto

As you might expect, carrot tops taste a bit like carrots. But they also have a freshness and bitterness that allows them to cut through the richest of oils and nut purées. In other words: it’s pesto time.
Photo by Farideh Sadeghin

Disclaimer: This is not a pesto recipe by prop comic Carrot Top.

Hey! You! Stop throwing those long, green carrot tops into your compost and soup broths!

Sure, there's nothing wrong with being thrifty and tossing your roasted carrot remnants into tomorrow's soup, but you'd be missing out on a very cheap and very versatile flavour profile.

As you might expect, carrot tops taste a bit like carrots. But they also have a freshness and bitterness that allows them to cut through the richest of oils and nut purées. In other words: it's pesto time.

So, no need to go out and buy a fickle basil plant; the answer is already in your vegetable crisper. Just pluck those sturdy leaves from your carrots and blast them in the blender with the usual oil, garlic, and nuts (any nuts, really) and you'll be re-defining pesto for all those who eat it.

RECIPE: Carrot-Top Pesto Pasta Salad

And to all the haters who think that carrot tops are rabbit food, it's just more pesto for the rest of us.