Brent Crane

  • This San Francisco Peanut Milk Might Actually Save the World

    State Bird Provisions is so popular that hungry techies once allegedly hacked the reservation system to make sure they’d get seats. At the end of a fantastic meal there, you'll understand why when you sip the restaurant's expertly calibrated peanut...

  • San Francisco Is an Urban Winemaking Heaven

    Urban winemaking is just what it sounds like: making wine in a city, not the country. Yet for some reason, the idea that wine can be made in the same space as an office building confounds people. But around the country in cities like San Francisco...

  • I Went to a Marijuana Tupperware Party

    I recently found myself at a get-together thrown by Synchronicity, a group of female weed enthusiasts who think the cannabis industry needs more estrogen.

  • Twenty Years Later, the Tokyo Subway Gas Attacks Still Scar Japan

    The "Aum Affair," as it is known in Japan, terrified the country and continues to reverberate two decades after cult members attacked the Tokyo subway system with sarin.

  • How a Rock Musician from China Brought Uyghur Food to Boston

    After years playing in one of China’s biggest rock bands, Payzulla Polat came to America to study music and serve up the cuisine of his forefathers—the embattled Uyghurs of northwest China.

  • Indonesia's War on Women

    "Virginity tests" are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Indonesia's strange, and often terrifyingly restrictive, policies governing women's behavior.