David Cross

  • My America

    Here's another group of people I'd like to see go back to where they came from: this generation's Luddites. According to the dictionary, a Luddite is "one who opposes technical or technological change." It comes from Ned Ludd, an English laborer, who...

  • My America

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I don't know if you've heard, but the Catholic priesthood just got a whole lot sexier!

  • My America

    What goes better with American flags than a big ol’ helping of the phrase, “God Bless America”?

  • Who Cares?

    There's a difficulty in writing about retarded people that stems from the word itself.

  • My America

    Every once in a while you see or experience something that jolts you from your narcoleptic existence of useless pleasures and missed opportunities. And you are simultaneously reminded of: A) what can be, and B) just how lame we are as a people, as a...