anonymous restaurant critics

  • Restaurant Critics Are Terrible Dinner Dates

    We ask one of Canada's most revered restaurant critics what he does on his day off, and whether eating out as a profession has ruined his social life.

  • You Can Ditch the Wig, Food Critic, We Know Who You Are

    In today's digital age—where camera phones and social media make privacy a relic of the past and hordes of hungry bloggers are taking over—why do some restaurant critics cling to anonymity? I talked to some respected critics to see what's up.

  • You Can Ditch the Wig, Food Critic, We Know Who You Are

    In today's digital age—where camera phones and social media make privacy a relic of the past and hordes of hungry bloggers are taking over—why do some restaurant critics cling to anonymity? I talked to some respected critics to see what's up.
