
  • Is a Fridge Full of Free Semen “Art?”

    Apparently yes, it is, but it’s also a biohazard and might be confiscated and destroyed.

  • This is the Banned 1945 US Army Documentary That Inspired "The Master"

    In _Hard Eight_, Paul Thomas Anderson's first feature, John C. Reilly becomes the gambling protege of Phillip Baker Hall. Like some of Bret Easton Ellis' returning characters, Anderson scripted Phillip Baker Hall, in _Boogie Nights_ and _Magnolia_, to...

  • Positive Thinking

    Brendon Annesley is the editor of Negative Guest List, the best fanzine in the world right now. He is scrawny and has pasty skin and every time I've met him he's been awkward, with a brain full of chemicals.