
  • Derfor er Cocio verdens bedste kakaomælk

    Bandlysning af sodavand i pølsevogne gjorde congobajeren til fast inventar på menuen - og til en del af vores kulinariske arv.

  • Cocio Is the Crack-Like Chocolate Milk of Denmark

    However bonkers it may sound to the uninitiated, chocolate milk is to Danish hot dogs what champagne is to oysters. There, the reigning brand is Cocio, and it just might be the world’s best chocolate milk.

  • How to Eat Like an Anarchist in Copenhagen

    The free town of Christiania in Copenhagen is one of the city's biggest tourist attractions, known for its ingenious DIY houses, cargo bikes, weed stalls, and police raids. It's also a hippie haven for vegetarian cooking, “dream cake,” and 3 AM falafel.
