
  • We Should Be Eating Seaweed by the Bucketload

    So nutrient-dense and sustainable it's almost silly, it's high time we started looking to seaweed as a regular food source beyond spirulina pills and the stuff found in store-bought miso soups.

  • The Mick Jagger of Whisky Wants You to Drink It Your Way

    Opinions on whisky are like assholes—everyone has one. Next time a barmen gives you the stink eye for adding water (or even Coca-Cola) to your single malt, though, tell them that one of Scotland's top distillers says you should drink it just how you...

  • Irn-Bru Made Me Who I Am

    I'm Scottish. Therefore, Irn-Bru isn't just a teeth-eroding fizzy drink to me. It's part of the tapestry of my existence, the foundation of most of my teenage memories.
