James Lowe

  • Britain Is Eating More Deer Than Ever

    Sales of game meat in the UK rose by nearly 10 percent last year, something market researchers put down to the growing popularity of venison. Soz, Bambi.

  • Today’s Chefs Need to Step Away from the Garnish

    The importance of dishes like Black Forest gateau, Beef Wellington, and quiche Lorraine is that their ingredient combinations are faultless—and yet modern chefs keep adding unnecessary flourishes.

  • These Photos of Chefs’ Burned Hands Are the Anti-Food Porn

    One London-based photographer has taken portraits of the burned and scarred hands of fifty London chefs like James Lowe and Margot and Fergus Henderson. Feast your eyes on the war wounds behind that brunch you just Instagrammed.

  • Well-Aged Meat Will Not Kill You

    The idea behind the culinary process of aging meat might sound like a Russian roulette of botulism, but I'm keen on aging fish, chicken guts, and all sorts of red meat because it adds a type of complexity to your food that you never knew existed.
