
  • Soul Food: Kosher

    In this episode of Soul Food, our host Kiran Deol heads over to LA’s Kosher Corridor to get schooled by a local butcher, explore the diversity of Kosher cuisine, and sample a Shabbat dinner.

  • When Less-Kosher Food Is Worth a Divorce

    A new amendment to rabbinical laws proposed in Israel would deny men who refuse to grant their wives a religious divorce access to high-level kosher food. But is the threat of slightly less-kosher food really going to help women?

  • The Politics of Food: Inside Guantanamo Bay's Kitchen

    Gianna Toboni goes on a riveting tour of Gitmo, uncovering the very interesting politics of the camp's kitchen—and finding out what the food is like for the prisoners that aren't on hunger strike.

  • Pittsburgh's Israeli-vs.-Palestinian Fast-Food Takeout Turf War

    Pro-Israeli students started a rival to a takeout restaurant that criticized the US's role in the conflict.

  • Halal Slaughter Is More Complicated Than You Realize

    As the Muslim populations of Western nations continue to grow, controversy over the halal slaughter of animals has intensified. We asked Dr. Temple Grandin the question that's most often at the center of the scandals: is halal slaughter humane?

  • Soul Food: Halal

    Dawn sets out to uncover what’s so hot about Halal. She finds delectable delicacies at The Halal Guys food cart and an intimate family dinner, learns about the relationship between food and religion, and visits a Halal slaughterhouse.

  • Ritual Slaughter Ban Supposedly Puts Animal Rights Before Religion

    Islamic and Jewish critics argue that Denmark's ban has less to do with animal welfare than with politically motivated discrimination.

  • Chef's Night Out: Mexicali Taco & Co.

    Take one bite of Mexicali Taco & Co.'s shrimp tacos or the carne asada Vampiro and you are transported to a new level of tacqueria consciousness where there is no going back to greasy meat and subpar tortillas.

  • Laugh Pig Laugh

    Two hours later: Regret. So much regret. There’s blood all over me. Not my blood. Chicken blood, or so they say. I don’t know where anyone gets all this chicken blood from, and the whole enterprise is definitely far from kosher.
