
  • Keep Your Helmet On When You Prepare the Herring

    Phu Quoc Island is a fishing village famous for Vietnamese fish sauce—an item that airlines have banned for its stench. I came here expecting to find a wide variety of seafood dishes, but the underdog of all fish, herring, kept finding its way onto my...

  • Gang Members Are Feeding New Zealand’s Hungry Children

    One in four children live below the poverty line in New Zealand. The Tribal Huks, a gang that's made headlines for violent assaults and robberies in the country's North Island, is trying to help feed 70,000 hungry kids.

  • I Fertilized My Salad with Period Blood

    Blood contains three primary plant macronutrients—nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. So, as a poor gardener and menstrual-cup enthusiast, I decided to collect my next cycle to help grow some lettuce.

  • My Mother Does Not Believe Arugula Exists

    No matter how many salads she's had with it, my mother always seems to forget exactly what this pedestrian salad green is. "Ohhh...I love this!" she says, every time upon this re­curring discovery. Hell, who am I challenge her?

  • My Doritos Locos Taco Gave Me a Boner

    Months before it came inside my mouth, the flavor powder of my Doritos Locos taco lay in a 50 pound bag of chemical funk inside a Frito Lay factory in Killingly, CT.