
  • Melon and Midori Wine Spritzer Recipe

    Let this bright green take on a white wine spritzer transport you to a time when your aunts wore floral denim shorts and talked about one day buying a beach house over bottles of Bartles & Jaymes.

  • Mezcal Margarita

    Add some smokiness to your margarita–use mezcal instead of tequila.

  • How to Drink Like Your Grandparents and Enjoy It

    Yes, all grandmas are different, and some don't even drink. But these cocktails—Pimm's Cups and wine spritzers—are for old people, or at least the old at heart.

  • Wine Spritzers Should Taste Like the Beach House You'll Never Own

    The wine spritzer is a summer staple from a simpler time—when your aunts wore floral denim shorts and talked about one day buying a beach house over bottles of Bartles & Jaymes because it was the 90s and people could actually buy beach houses.

  • How to Survive Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving typically involves some sort of family gathering. When you raid your parents' dusty liquor cabinet, you'll need some guidance on how to make the best of all those weird unopened liquor bottles.
