
  • Chef's Night Out: Pizzanista!

    Pizzanista! singlehandedly refutes the saying that there's no good pizza in Los Angeles. Owners Salman Agah and his wife Price take us out for a delicious evening in the City of Angels.

  • LA Pizza That Doesn’t Suck

    All pizza in Los Angeles sucks. It’s a law written in blood. And yet former pro skater Salman Agah believes he is above the law with his eatery Pizzanista, which churns out miracle pies. I chatted with Salman to find out what the secret of not sucking...

  • LA Pizza That Doesn’t Suck?

    All pizza in Los Angeles sucks. It's a law written in blood. And yet former pro skater Salman Agah believes he is above the law with his eatery Pizzanista, which churns out miracle pies.
