
  • Do Shamans Still Believe in the Magic of Shamanism?

    Despite growing up around folks who believed they spoke to spirits and attempted to treat my busted-up shoulder with a laying-on of hands (wherein everyone touched me and tried to will their positive energy into my rotator cuff), I’ve always wondered...

  • Senegalese Laamb Wrestling's Marabout Ritual

    The most popular sport in Senegal isn't soccer—it's laamb, combining Greco-Roman wrestling moves with eclectic pre-fight rituals and dances.

  • Toé, the 'Witchcraft Plant' That's Spoiling Ayahuasca Tourism

    You know it as angel's trumpet, Hell's bells, or simply Brugmansia, a genus of flowering plant with seven recognized species. Toé is notorious. And it's reportedly now in the hands of shithead pseudo shamans looking to cash in on the South American...
