
  • The Maple Water Fad Could Be a Boon to North American Forests

    It seems counterintuitive that any kind of natural beverage could have a positive effect on its environment, but that’s exactly the case with maple water, the newest $5-per-bottle drink to grace hipsters’ refrigerator shelves.

  • Hemp Is a Superfood but Not in Australia?

    Hemp is cheap, healthy, easy to grow, and carbon negative. But it still won't be in Australian supermarket anytime soon.

  • Cajuns Boil the Head and Save the Blood

    Lately, there’s been the “whole-hog” cooking trend. You know, using the tail to the snout. But the Cajun community has been cooking with the whole hog for 200 years. The pure Cajun spirit comes from living off the land in a proper format and being...