
  • Meet the Therapist Who's the Only Female Slaughterer in the UK

    Ruth Tudor, a slaughterer and psychologist, runs The Meat Course at Trealy Farm in Wales, which aims to help people connect with the reality of farming animals for meat. Having never seen a slaughter myself, I rang Ruth for a chat.

  • Vegetarians Who Eat Fish Are Actually Onto Something

    I've never understood why certain vegetarians think it's OK to eat fish until I realized that fish brains look like beans, and lack the developed neocortex that makes them incapable of pain.

  • Eating Is Bad for Your Soul

    Jainism is a religion with some of the most extreme dietary restrictions in the world: no animals, dairy, root vegetables, honey, or booze. But the ritual of santhara—a vow of voluntary death by fasting—is one of the most controversial components of...

  • What's New in Meat IV

    A beefy injection of hot, meaty news from our office vegetarian.

  • Sidemouth - Vegetable State of Mind

    You don't have to throw on a saffron robe and grab your tambourine, but let's talk about vegetables for a minute.

  • Transilvanian Hunger

    I’m on a mailing list that deals a lot with Iranian National Socialist Black Metal blogs in Persian, and with whether you should rather kill yourself or murder other people. I’m not sure how I got on it, but now that I am, I’m sort of trying to get...