
  • Tsukune Recipe

    You really can't beat meat on a stick.

  • How to Survive a Romantic Vacation with an Absurdly Picky Eater

    Oh look, we found a ramen place serving a vegetarian broth, awesome! Not so fast, it’s got mushrooms in it. Her five layers are not enough to keep her warm. She is hungry. You are hungry. You can’t find a restaurant. This is your fault.

  • I Had Cancer and Now I'm Addicted to Japanese Food

    During high school, I was diagnosed with cancer just a few months after returning from a trip to Japan. Soon, I found that the only thing that gave me solace from the constant surgeries and chemotherapy was the comfort of Japanese food.

  • Japan Is Eating America's Tongue

    Most Americans are straight-up grossed out by long, licky beef tongues that, frankly, can be kind of phallic-looking and often weigh over three pounds. But Japanese diners can't get enough of them, and are enthusiastically importing America's rejected...
