
  • The Last Bite: Lancashire’s Only Surviving Raw Milk Cheesemakers

    Most of the cheese sold in the UK is single curd but Mrs Kirkham’s make double curd: a blend of young “alive” curds and two-day old richer, nuttier curds. Combining the two matures the cheese and deepens the flavour.

  • Even This Tripe Shop Owner Hates The Taste of Tripe

    “I can’t eat tripe. It’s horrible,” says Anita Clarke, owner of The Tripe and Sandwich Shop in Manchester. “It was like having snot in my mouth.” But how do you come to run one of the country’s only remaining tripe shops if you don’t actually like...

  • This Lancashire Sheep's Milk Cheese Might Be Better Than Feta

    Grandma Singletons dairy is the UK’s largest sheep’s milk cheesemaker, producing around 60 tonnes of the stuff every year. Their speciality is Parlick Fell, a pure ewe’s milk cheese that tastes like a sweeter, creamier feta.
