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Carrot Fritters

This makes enough to serve 50 people, but will disappear within minutes.
Carrot Fritters Recipe

Prep: 45 minutes

Total: 45 minutes


1 large bag carrots, grated

2 bunches scallions, chopped

3 g kosher salt

1.5 g black pepper, freshly ground

1 each egg, beaten

50-70 g ap flour

60 ml vegetable or olive oil

235 g Greek yogurt

2 g cayenne/paprika/hot sauce of your choice (optional)

cilantro or parsley, to taste


1. Combine carrots, scallions, salt, pepper, and the egg in a mixing bowl. The carrots will sweat a bit from being salted, so I always add flour last. Sprinkle in 1/3 cup (50 g) of flour at first, and stir to incorporate. You are aiming for a consistency that will hold the ingredients together, not too wet not too dry (add more flour if the batter feels excessively drippy). These aren't fussy.

2. Meanwhile, heat the vegetable or olive oil (enough to generously coat your skillet) over medium-high heat until the oil is rippling. Form fritters like a patty in your hand, fry them until brown and crispy (about 3-4 minutes per side) and let them rest on paper towels to collect excess grease.

3. Serve immediately topped with Greek yogurt, freshly picked herbs, and a sprinkle of cayenne or hot sauce (optional). You can also leave plain until party time, and quickly reheat on a cookie sheet in a 400° F oven for 5 minutes.

4. Sprinkle with garnishes and serve immediately.

From How-To: Throw a Holiday Party