This Focaccia Bread Will Make Your Sandwich Taste Better


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This Focaccia Bread Will Make Your Sandwich Taste Better

Focaccia is chewy, crunchy, and—considering you’re basically frying it in olive oil—damn near impossible to fuck up.

When properly stacked with carefully selected ingredients, there is no food on earth greater than a sandwich. It's versatile, it's substantial, and—if you've done your job right—it's perfectly balanced. Thanks for inventing the perfect food, Earl of Sandwich.

But a sandwich is only as good as the bread it's served on, so don't ruin the cured meats and roasted peppers you just picked up from the specialty shop down the street by putting them on a mediocre country loaf from the grocery store. Even if you're just using standard cold cuts from the Foodtown deli counter, great bread can mask uninspired ingredients.

And bread doesn't get much better than this focaccia.

RECIPE: Focaccia Bread

It's chewy, crunchy, and—considering you're basically frying it in olive oil—damn near impossible to fuck up.

The sandwich may have been invented by the Earl of Sandwich (OK, fine. Nobody believes that ridiculous story, but we can pretend) in England, but it was perfected by the Italians when they made focaccia.