
  • I Am Trying to Make Sherry Mojitos Happen

    Some people choose a song of the summer or have ill-fated summer flings with Spanish bartenders. I like to designate a drink of the summer.

  • Why Matadors Won't Eat Before a Bullfight

    Like bee stings to their keepers, incidental gorings come with the job of being a matador. But even though they are fond of Spanish ham and Manzanilla sherry, they keep their stomachs empty before a fight.

  • Chef's Night Out: Manzanilla

    Benito Molina of Manzanilla restaurant takes us out in Ensanada for the freshest seafood, best beer, and most delicious street food that Baja California has to offer.

  • Pioneering a Locavore Restaurant in Baja Wasn't Easy

    Fifteen years ago, our Ensenada restaurant offered nothing more than fresh fish and local produce because those were the only options available. Nowadays, people call it locavorism or “being sustainable,” but that term didn’t exist here back then.
