meat consumption

  • Indians Are Outraged that Mumbai Is Banning Meat for Four Days

    As any aspiring televangelist will tell you, strongly held beliefs may be well and good, but forcing those convictions on the uninitiated and unwilling masses is just that much sweeter.

  • A Study Says 70 Percent of Koreans Aren’t Eating Enough Meat

    Perhaps its time to lay down the industrial-sized bags of honey-butter chips and jump into some bathtubs full of bo ssam. I know I would.

  • Farting Cows Blew Up a Shed with Their Gas

    Human meat-consumption demands are so high that methane from cow farts is destroying the atmosphere and setting barns ablaze. Cow flatulence is more detrimental than cars or carbon dioxide. One scientist thinks vegetarianism is the only way to reduce...

  • Farting Cows Blew Up a Shed with Their Gas

    Human meat-consumption demands are so high that methane from cow farts is destroying the atmosphere and setting barns ablaze. Cow flatulence is more detrimental than cars or carbon dioxide. One scientist thinks vegetarianism is the only way to reduce...