
  • VICE Canada’s Worst Summer Jobs

    From garbage juice to slaughterhouse blood, our Canadian staff has had some pretty disgusting jobs to pay for their summer jollies.

  • There Is Nothing Pretentious About Being a Vegan

    A while back, I received a very angry email from someone about an article I once wrote. In the article, I mentioned that I wasn't a huge fan of eating in pretentious restaurants. I also mentioned that I am a vegan, which this man did not appreciate.

  • This Slaughterhouse Mural Is Really, Really Creepy

    On the walls of a sketchy pork-processing plant in Los Angeles, a massive mural was painted that illustrates the joys of slicing up pigs for food. Perhaps the creepiest part is that, on the high wall of the house where hot dogs are cured, the mural...
