This story is over 5 years old.


You Can Buy Shares in Eminem's Royalties, If You Want

Dos de sus productores están subastando las ganancias obtenidas por las canciones en las que trabajaron con él.
Lauren O'Neill
London, GB
Imagen vía Wikimedia Commons

As the festive period looms, there's always that one person who is exceedingly difficult to buy for – they already have all the stuff they need. "What do I buy the nan/brother/dad who has everything?" you ask, as you scroll endless kitchen utensil sets and fountain pens on Amazon. Well look no further, because finally something everyone will want has arrived: shares in, uh, Eminem's song royalties.


Mark and Jeff Bass – known professionally as the Funky Bass Team – worked with Eminem in his early career, and were responsible for the release of The Slim Shady LP, and production on two of his biggest hits, "Without Me" and "Lose Yourself." They're now auctioning off their future profits from Eminem music released in the period from 1999 to 2013, as per Rolling Stone.

The set-up is much like the stock market, and comes via a new company called Royalty Flow. Shares cost a minimum of $2,250 (~£1,690), but from that, buyers can probably expect a pretty substantial return over the next few years – if it's a success, it might represent a new, innovative form of investment. And, as Matthew Smith of Royalty Exchange, the company behind the auction, told Rolling Stone: "Not only do you potentially get to earn along with Eminem's catalog, but you also win the ultimate bragging rights to say 'hey, I own that!' anytime you hear one of his songs." And what could be better than that? Not a sort-of-depressing reminder of the weirdly transparent monetisation of art at all!

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