
Cannabis Hot Chocolate Recipe

“It’s guaranteed to feel as good as it tastes and smells.”

Servings: 4
Prep time: 6 hours
Total time: 6 hours

Videos by VICE


1 1/3 cup raw/unroasted cacao paste (a.k.a cacao liquor or 100% cacao)
1 quart unsweetened nondairy milk
0.4 grams Blue Dream cannabis (see note below regarding measuring your cannabis)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 cup coconut sugar

optional but highly recommended:
10–15 hulled cardamom seeds
5–10 black peppercorns
1 thumb-sized piece of fresh turmeric root
1 thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger root

tools of the trade:
mortar & pestle
crockpot (or stovetop pot)
mesh strainer, nut milk bag, or old t-shirt
blender with tight-fitting lid


Chef’s Tip: Knowing the THC concentration of your cannabis will help you calculate the amount of cannabinoids present in each serving of your cocoa. For the high-potency Blue Dream we use in this recipe (which contains 15-20 percent THC), 1/10th of a gram is great starting point given that we’d like to shoot for ~15 milligrams per cup. If you’re unsure what your edible dose should be or you don’t consume cannabis on a regular basis, you can always err on the side of caution and start small! 1. Add nondairy milk of choice to your crockpot and set to low (dairy milk will work, but expect a decrease in the potency and flavor of the cacao). Your ideal temperature range is between 125 and 200 degrees F. If you let the crockpot get too hot, you’ll risk vaporizing the cannabinoids you’re trying to extract.

2. Next, peel and chop your ginger and turmeric (be careful not to let the turmeric stain everything!). With a mortar and pestle, crush the your black peppercorns and cardamom. (You can pulse them whole in a blender if you don’t have a mortar and pestle).

3. Break up your cannabis and add the herb and spices to the warming crockpot. Add a tablespoon or so of coconut oil, which will increase the fat content and further support the extraction process.

4. Now that everything has been added to the crockpot, let it simmer on low for six to eight hours (or overnight). Make sure not to leave the crockpot unattended unless you’re sure it will stay below 200 degrees F. If you don’t have a crockpot, you can simmer all of these ingredients in a pot on the stove for 2 hours, stirring and checking the temperature regularly, to make sure it stays between 125 and 200 degrees F.

5. Strain the herb and spice matter out of the milk with your mesh strainer, nut milk bag, or old, clean shirt. (Remember that the turmeric will stain anything it touches permanently). The color should have changed to a dark yellow or green color. Magic! Use a spatula and make sure to press all of the golden-green goodness out of the herbs and spices—you want every drop of that precious liquid.

6. Take your ultra-delicious cannabis-infused golden milk and pour it into a blender. Check the temperature if possible to ensure that it’s between 120 and 140 degrees F. Add the cacao paste and coconut sugar—more than specified if desired to taste. Honey or maple syrup (to taste) can also be substituted for the coconut sugar. Make sure your blender lid is on tight and that you’re holding it in place on top of the blender. Hot liquids in a blender can cause the lid to pop off. Blend all ingredients.

7. After blending, take a whiff of the good stuff. Notice that the extra thick consistency and enjoy it slowly. It’s guaranteed to feel as good as it tastes and smells. And as delicious as it may be, be sure to wait at least an hour and a half or longer before going back for a second cup!

From How-To: Make Weed Hot Chocolate