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Turn Last Night’s Pizza Into This Morning’s French Toast to Experience True Bliss

Your drunk food just became your hangover cure.
Photo by Farideh Sadeghin.

Pizza is, more or less, the very best food. We love pizza so damn much we made an entire show dedicated to it. Sure, you might—might—find something better to eat during a given moment, but pizza is always there for you during any situation.

There are few greater joys than devouring a slice of 3 AM pepperoni or three. But one such joy is to wake up to find Drunk You somehow had the self control to save Hungover You enough pizza to turn last night's post-bar snack into this morning's savior.


The real beauty is that straight-out-of-the-fridge is a perfectly acceptable—some might even say preferable—way to eat your leftover pie, which makes your rough morning a bit more manageable. There just is no better way to eat pizza for breakfast, or at least that's what we thought until chef Lee Tiernan showed us otherwise.

Turn your pizza into French toast. Yep, you read that right: turn your pizza into French toast.

It's about as simple as it sounds—whisk some eggs in a bowl, dunk your pizza, then throw it in a frying pan. It will take you less than five minutes from the time you take it out of the fridge until the time it's in your mouth, but it just might change your life. Or at least your future hangovers.


  • leftover pizza slices
  • eggs
  • paprika
  • kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Excess always leads to fast food for the journey home. More often than not, pizza, and usually more than I consume.

If I don't wake up on the sofa with the grease-soaked box clutched to my chest and managed to securely store the pizza in the fridge, there is nothing better than fridge cold pizza for breakfast.

I elevate these tantalizing triangles ever so slightly by making them into french toast (or eggy bread, as well call it in England). There is no "recipe" so to speak. Whisk some eggs in a bowl, add a pinch of paprika, a grind of black pepper, and touch of salt. Dredge the pizza in the egg and fry in a pan.

Bob's your uncle!

You can "Royal" this in every way imaginable (or what ever you can manage to keep down after a heavy night). Crispy Bacon is always a bonus, fried onions, hash browns. Literally limitless option.